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The Ultimate Anime Shrine
Animated gifs

Look at the moving pics!

Dark Mercury:  Hi hi, this is where all my animated anime gifs are located.  Hopefully I'll be able to find more in the near future but here are the series that I have so far.
Mercury Angel:  DM, what are you doing?  I thought I locked you away in that dark room?  Besides, they aren't yours, those animated gifs are MINE! 
Dark Mercury:  Not unless I steal them.  The few that you have anyways.
Mercury Angel:  Go away and stop pestering me and the guests here okay?  Go chase bishies or something. 
Dark Mercury:  Bishies!  *runs off in search of bishies she hasn't attacked 50 times already*
Mercury Angel:  *sighs in relief*  Sorry about her.   She can be good sometimes, really....just not very often.  Anyways, unlike DM, you can have the anime gifs and always, if you have any that I don't, please feel free to share!

Sailor Moon gifs

Card Captor Sakura Gifs

Gundam Wing

Ayashi no Ceres gifs

Rurouni Kenshin gifs

Of course, any idea that you have are welcome.  Remember, I love to hear from you at jen_mizuno@hotmail.com