Dark Mercury: Hi hi, this is where all my animated anime gifs are located. Hopefully
I'll be able to find more in the near future but here are the series that I have so far.
Mercury Angel: DM, what are you doing? I thought I locked you away in that dark room?
Besides, they aren't yours, those animated gifs are MINE!
Dark Mercury: Not unless I steal them. The few that you have anyways.
Mercury Angel: Go away and stop pestering me and the guests here okay? Go chase bishies
or something.
Dark Mercury: Bishies! *runs off in search of bishies she hasn't attacked 50 times already*
Mercury Angel: *sighs in relief* Sorry about her. She can be good sometimes,
really....just not very often. Anyways, unlike DM, you can have the anime gifs and always, if you have any that I don't,
please feel free to share!